Have you noticed an increase in dryness of your skin? Not at all A little Moderate Significant None Are you experiencing more frequent or severe skin irritation or sensitivity? Not at all A little Moderate Significant None Have you observed changes in your skinβs elasticity or firmness (e.g., sagging or wrinkling)? No change Slight change Moderate change Significant change None Have you noticed a difference in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles? No difference Slight difference Moderate difference Significant difference None Have you experienced a change in your skinβs oiliness (more or less oily)? No change Slight change Moderate change Significant change None Are you noticing any increase in hyperpigmentation or age spots? No increase Slight increase Moderate increase Significant increase None Have you experienced a slower healing process for cuts, bruises or blemishes? Not at all A little slower Moderately slower Significantly slower None Have you noticed any changes in your skin texture (e.g., roughness, unevenness)? No change Slight change Moderate change Significant change None 1 out of 2 Time's up